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Finding your apex

Driving Passion, One Mod at a Time

Investigating The Apex

Join along in the journey to uncover the experience of building, modifying, and driving cars, while simultaneously justifying poor financial decisions. From road, to track, to what is that one extra bolt for, we've got you covered. 

Winding Road

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About Our Blog

Welcome to Investigating The Apex, a blog dedicated to sharing experiences and insights about cars, modifications, performance driving and highly questionable builds. You can expect stories of track days, road trips, mechanical mishaps and likely more tools thrown than laps completed. Dive in to explore the journey of an enthusiast seeking his ideal build, to help find the perfect apex, one corner at a time.

Warning: reading may cause an uncontrollable urge to drain your savings on car parts for a vehicle with little to no redeemable value, much to the chagrin of your spouse. Read, and spend, at your own risk.  

The 128i on my favorite canyon road
Investigating The Apex

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